Cabinet Game Events

Game Events

The Cabinet passes events over the WebSocket interface in the following format:


  • event_type The name of the event
  • var0,var1... Any number of variables can be passed of types int, float, string or bool. The amount of variables and types are determined by event_type. Note that any variable could be nil, noted by a an empty entry. If there are no variables for this event_type null is passed instead.

Player IDs

Many events call reference to a player position by an ID number. These numbers correspond to the following positions:

Position ID Position
1 Gold Queen
2 Blue Queen
3 Gold Stripes
4 Blue Stripes
5 Gold Abs
6 Blue Abs
7 Gold Skulls
8 Blue Skulls
9 Gold Chex
10 Blue Chex


The full list of cabinet events, in alphabetical order. Use this table to determine the number and type of variables to expect:

Event Name Description Example variables var0 var1 var2 var3 var4
alive A ping message sent periodically to indicate the connection is still alive. A response is required (see below table) v[5:05:05 PM] string: Current time in format "h:mm:ss A".
berryDeposit A drone has put a berry in their hive. Before version 17.26, they were the drone location when it entered the hole, not the hole location. v[120, 940, 2] int: Hole's X position int: Hole's Y position int: Drone position ID
berryKickIn A berry has entered a hive by being pushed in. It was not carried in. Before version 17.26, they were the berry location when it entered the hole, not the hole location. v[120, 940, 1] int: Berry hole X position int: Berry hole Y position int: Kicker position ID bool True: iff berry counts for own team
blessMaiden A queen has tagged a gate v[960,140,Blue] v[960,140,Red] int: Gate X coordinate int: Gate Y coordinate string: Team Color (Blue = Blue, Red = Gold)
carryFood A drone has picked up a berry and is now carrying it v[4] int: Drone's position ID
gameend The game has ended. Sent along with victory. Currently reports incorrect map names for bonus games. v[map_dusk,True,131.7972,False] string: The name of the map bool: Unknown, is usually true float: The length of the game in seconds bool: Unknown, is usually false.
gamestart This event is sent when the hive barriers open (after the countdown), NOT when players begin tapping in (use spawn for that). v[map_day,True,0,False,17.14b]] v[map_dusk,False,0,False] string: The name of the map bool: If true, gold will be on the left side of the map instead of right int: The elapsed game time. This is always zero. bool: true if Attract Mode is enabled (this is always false as gamestart is not sent in attract games) string: The version number of the cab. Note that this was added in version 17.14b and will not be sent in earlier versions
getOffSnail A drone has ended riding the snail. Can occur from jumping off or death v[960, 11,, 9] v[500, 11, 2, 7] int: Snail's X position int: Snail's Y position int or nil: If killed, killer's position ID. Otherwise, empty value. int: Drone's position ID
getOnSnail A drone has begun riding the snail v[960, 11, 9] int: Snail's X position int: Snail's Y position int: Drone's position ID
glance Two players have collided in a non-lethal way v[91, 1015, 2, 9] int: X position of glance int: Y position of glance int: First player's position ID int: Second player's position ID
mapstart The queens have both pressed the button, players are able to spawn inside the barriers v[map_day,True,0,False,17.14b] string: The name of the map bool: If true, gold will be on the left side of the map instead of right int: The elapsed game time. This is always zero. bool: true if Attract Mode is enabled (this is always false as mapstart is not sent in attract games) string: The version number of the cab.
playerKill A warrior or queen has killed another player. v[938,548,9,2,Queen] v[1746,364,5,6,Worker] int: Killer's X position int: Killer's Y position int: Killer's position ID int: Killed player's position ID string: Killed player's category (Queen, Soldier, or Worker)
playernames Player names v[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j] string: Ten strings are sent, corresponding to player positions in the order of player IDs. These are the cabinet's own naming system and not related to HiveMind's login system
reserveMaiden A drone has begun holding a berry above a gate and intends to use it. v[960,700,8] int: Gate's X position int: Gate's Y position int: Drone's position ID
snailEat A snail with a rider has begun eating a drone v[500, 11, 2, 7] int: Snail's X position int: Snail's Y position int: Riding drone's position ID int: Victim drone's position ID
snailEscape A drone being eaten has been freed (the rider was killed) v[500, 11, 7] int: Snail's X position int: Snail's Y position int: Escaped drone's position ID
spawn A player has tapped in. Tip: Before version 17.26 and the introduction of the mapstart event, position 1's spawn event is the first event in every game v[8,True] int: Position ID bool: True if the position is a bot
unreserveMaiden A drone intending to use a gate has stopped, either from moving away or being killed. v[960,700,4,8] v[1580,140,,6] int: Gate's X position int: Gate's Y position int or nil: If the drone was killed, killer's position ID. Otherwise, empty value. int: Drone's position ID
useMaiden A drone has entered a gate and is now using it. v[1750,740,maiden_speed,6] v[170,740,maiden_wings,5] int: Gate's X position int: Gate's Y position string: Gate type, maiden_speed for a speed gate and maiden_wings for a warrior gate. int: Entering drone's position ID
victory The game has ended. Sent right after gameend v[Blue, Military] v[Gold, Economic] string: The winning team (Blue or Gold) string: The victory type (Military, Economic, or Snail)

Responses or Control Messages

The websocket can also receive messages which is required for maintaining the connection, or for controlling the cabinet's behaviour.

Event Name Description Example variables var0 var1 var2 var3 var4
disconnectHivemind Unknown v[null] null
im alive A response to the alive message, to indicate the connection is still in use. This response of must be sent within 15 seconds of the time in the alive message payload, otherwise the websocket connection is terminated with code 1009 v[null] null
showPreMatchScreen Can only be used if a game is not in progress v[null] null
signInPlayer Signs in a player v[{ "playerName": "Alice", playerNumber: "1"}] string: JSON encoded player data
signOutPlayer Signs out a player v[{ "playerName": "Alice", playerNumber: "1"}] string: JSON encoded player data
updateTeamData Sends tournament information to the cabinet v[{ "bracketURL": "", "warmup": False, "winsNeeded": 0, "blueTeam": { "name": "", "score": 0, "wins": 0, "losses": 0 }, "goldTeam": { "name": "", "score": 0, "wins": 0, "losses": 0 }}] string: JSON encoded tournament data

Sample Code

Here is sample code that processes events: KQHivemind KQuity