Basic Client Setup

The client can run on any system that supports Node.js.

The recommended hardware is a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS. The Raspberry Pi Configuration page has more detailed instructions for running on a Raspberry Pi.

In addition to these instructions, you will need to connect your PC to the same network as the cabinet, and you may need to edit the configuration file to point to the cabinet's actual hostname or IP address.

Register Your Scene

Download Config File

  • On your scene's main page, click the cabinet you are setting up.
  • On the cabinet page, click "Edit", then "Download Client Configuration" to download the configuration file.

Running Manually

This is the quickest way to get the client running on a streaming PC. On a Windows system, you may need to run this command from a directory that does not contain any spaces.

  • Install Node.js if it is not already installed on your system.
  • Open a command prompt or terminal in the directory that contains your config file.
    • On Windows, hold Shift and right-click on the folder, then click "Open PowerShell window here".
  • Run npx @kqhivemind/hivemind-client config.json


Error connecting to cabinet [cabinet]: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND kq.local

The client cannot find your cabinet on the network.

  • Make sure the cabinet is connected to the same network as the PC where the client is running.
  • Get the cabinet's IP address from the "Internet and Updates" section in the cabinet's configuration menu.
  • Open your config.json file in a text editor.
  • In the cabinets section, replace kq.local with the cabinet's IP address.
    • The url entry should look like: "ws://"`